Clients of BCS generally fall into one of 3 categories:
ad hoc problem solving,
seasonal consulting, often based on a single crop, e.g. poinsettias
routine IPM development and advisory services
How do we address your needs?
The first visit is all about getting to understand your business and your IPM needs. A sit down discussion of current pest management strategies and issues, and a thorough greenhouse walk-through, provide me with the background to develop a coordinated approach to meet your needs.
Most of our clients fall into the third category above, as a comprehensive IPM program is developed, implemented and regularly reviewed and adjusted. This usually involves monthly visits, crop walk-through with the grower(s) and a follow up report sent within 1-2 days of the visit.
There may be a need for additional visits, especially early in the development of the program or as unexpected issues arise. These are based on grower requests or needs.
Growers can contact BCS via email, text or phone at any time to discuss concerns or ask questions